fairy tale

[ˈfeəri teɪl]
  • 释义
  • 童话;神话;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    She was like a princess in a fairy tale.


  • 2、

    What he said sounded like a fairy tale.


  • 3、

    Is there anybody who can tell a fairy tale?

    有人能讲童话故事 吗 ?

  • 4、

    Joe Bradley: And that will be the end of the fairy tale.

    乔布拉德雷: 并且那将是仙女故事的结尾.

  • 5、

    This is a clean dreamy fairy tale full of color the world of poetry.


  • 6、

    Lately, reality is borrowing a page from the fairy tale.

    最近, 这个童话在现实中上演了.

  • 7、

    The fairy tale tickled the child.


  • 8、

    That , unfortunately, is where this particular fairy tale ends.

    不幸的是, 这个独特的童话也将在这此结束.

  • 9、

    That fairy tale retold endlessly and in countless forms.


  • 10、

    The novel is a romance straight out ofa fairy tale.


  • 11、

    If in fairy tale princess the dream awaked, how she should survive?

    如果童话里的公主梦醒了, 她该怎么存活?

  • 12、

    So I got this idea. What if I took a fairy tale, Cinderella?

    所以我想到了这个主意, 为什么不选童话灰姑娘 呢 ?

  • 13、

    What if I took a fairy tale, Cinderella?

    为什么我不选童话灰姑娘 呢 ?

  • 14、

    The movie version of Steig's story is a sort of fairy tale in reverse.


  • 15、

    Such a pity. All it lacked was a fairy tale ending.

    我觉的我很幸福,可惜, 只缺一个最美好的结局.

  • 16、

    They follow a particular theme , ranging from fairy tale characters to footballers to Russian leaders.

    套娃取材独特, 从童话人物到足球运动员甚至俄罗斯领导人,应有尽有.

  • 17、

    Believe in fairy tale, believe in magic, believe in dream, believe in Heroes.

    相信童话, 相信魔术, 相信梦幻, 相信有超能力的人.

  • 18、

    Snow White was assisted by the seven dwarfs in the fairy tale.


  • 19、

    She's living in her own little world a l little girl a fairy tale.


  • 20、

    And years later, Andersen turned that sad experience into a fairy tale, The Snow Queen.

    数年后, 安徒生把这段悲惨的经历写成了童话《白雪公主》.

  • 21、

    Although it is beautiful fairy tale, but a burst will push the girls to death.

    童话虽是美好, 一但破灭,就会把女刚出生的孩子推向死亡.

  • 22、

    Childhood seems a paddle, a flash, and many touching fairy tale came out.

    童年好像一把船桨, 一晃, 许多动人的童话,出来了.

  • 23、

    Here, deducing by arrive impossibly likely fairy tale.

    这里, 演绎着一个由不可能到可能的童话.

  • 24、

    The author translated the fairy tale into our mother tongue.

